Dental Implant Turkey
The dental implant is an artificial tooth root, made of appropriate materials and placed in the jawbone so as to provide the function and aesthetic of the missing teeth
What are the benefits of Implant Applications?
Implant treatment is a comfortable, steady and safe application. The dentures made on the implants form a natural structure, replacing the real teeth. While the missing teeth are completed, the healthy teeth are not touched
Is the Implant Treatment durable?
Start of the implant applications goes back to the beginning of 1800s. Today, there are almost perfect implants with 35-40 year clinical pursuits in the market
Can the Implant be applied to any patient?
The quality of the available bone is one of the factors affecting the success of the implant. Also, before the treatment and during the implant’s staying in the mouth, the gingivas should be completely healthy.
There is not any upper age limit as long as the patient is fine in terms of general health condition. Still, implants are not recommended for very young patients as their bone development is not complete.
The implant can be applied to any person who is fine in terms of general heath conditions
How long is the treatment duration in total?
It is possible to make implant applications even in 10 minutes . The total duration ranges as per the operation type set out in accordance with your tooth and bone structure. In general, the proceeding is done in the second month after the first operation. You can go on your daily life with the temporary dental dentures within this period
Can my dentures be installed after the Implants are placed?
In order to provide full merge of the implants with the bone, the burden on the implants should be minimized for the first 2-3 months. Your doctor will not leave you without teeth, providing a temporary denture for you. Then, the permanent teeth will be installed on your implants and the treatment will be completed
Is the cleaning of Implants important?
Yes, it is very important. Considering the fact that the implants are foreign bodies in the mouth, their cleaning is as important as, and even more important than, your teeth. The cleaning of the implants are not so different from the cleaning of normal teeth. What you need to remember is that the most important factor of the success of such treatment is the regular oral care
Do I feel pain while installing Implant?
No, as long as the appropriate anesthesia methods are carried out. During the operation, general or local anesthesia could be used as per the patient’s needs. After the operation, there may be pain like the one after you have your tooth out. This pain can be felt in the evening of the installation, and could be relieved with simple pain killers. In the incidents without problem, you will be so comfortable that you will not feel the implants. Our doctors and office team are always here for your comfort
Is it possible that Implants are rejected by the body?
The implants are made of materials with no side effects for the organism, are subject to dense researches for years. These materials are not the part of a living thing. It is not possible for the body to produce antigen and to reject like in the heart and kidney transplants
Can All-on-Four or Locater methods be applied for full mouth implants?
When implants are required for the full mouth or an entire jaw, All-on-Four or Locator treatments can be preferred.
4-6 implants are required for All-on-Four procedure. This is an high-quality procedure that is easier compared to implementing a full set of implants in the mouth.
Locater treatment can be used in similar cases, if the patient has cost concerns. Locators require less number of implants but has some drawbacks.
A detailed assessment of your mouth is required to understand whether these treatments can be applied. Please contact us for more details.
If you want to get an implant treatment, you can call Mapa Health Implant tooth Center of Istanbul Turkey