All-On-4 in Turkey
We offer All on 4 for the full mouth restoration of either arch (full set of teeth) with minimal surgical invasion and without over-the-top costs. Mapa Dental Turkey offers high-quality All on 4 Procedure at much lower rates than in Europe or the US.
What is All on 4 ® Dental Implant Procedure?
All on 4 is a dental treatment procedure that allows supporting fixed dentures on either the upper or lower jaw with only four dental implants. It’s a prosthodontics and surgical dental treatment for people who need extraction of all their teeth because of severe decays, damages or has no teeth on either arch. The treatment includes two straight implants on the front and two implants at the back angled at 45 degrees. The aim is to restore full teeth functionality even you have severe bone and teeth loss. As a result, All on 4 is minimally surgically invasive but highly effective. If you choose this treatment option, you can regain your teeth functionality and aesthetically pleasing smile. All on 4 is considered a “graftless” dental procedure. This method was first used by Dr. Paulo Malo in 1998 using Nobel Biocare implants. Since then, the method has been highly successful in restoring full arch functionality for tens of thousands of patients worldwide. MAPA Dental Turkey offers Nobel Biocare Dental Implants for All on 4 treatments to achieve the best possible end result for our patients.
Who Benefits from All on 4 ® ?
MAPA Dental Turkey recommends All on 4 treatment to patients with compromised teeth functionality. Physical damage to teeth, severe decay, or tooth damage caused by gum disease can be treated with All on 4. Teeth bone loss is highly common in older adults. All on 4 is one of the leading options for treating age or disease-related bone loss. The implants are surgically placed in areas where your bone density is the highest for long-lasting effects. The four implants then support a denture with up to 14 teeth in total for one arch.
Signature Features of All on 4 ® Implants
All on 4 treatment boasts unique features that you can’t obtain with any other procedure. The four key features that make up the treatment are: 1. Complete arch restoration2. Fixed dentures 3. Graftless procedure that actually decreases the need for bone grafting 4. Prevents and stalls age or disease-related bone loss.
Why Choose All on 4 ® Instead of Regular Implants or Dentures?
To understand the true benefits of All on 4, you first need to understand what dental implants are. Dental implants are artificial versions of tooth roots. Typically made from titanium, dental implants look like a screw that a dental surgeon fuses with your jawbone. Once the implant is in, the dentist uses a miniature tool to fix the implant to a porcelain crown that is visible from the outside. Now you have a fully-functional prosthetic tooth that is permanently fixed to your mouth. Dental implants look and feel 100 percent natural. No one, not even you, will notice the difference. All on 4 is slightly different to the typical implants. Instead of using a single implant to replace a single tooth, four titanium implants are used as a sturdy foundation for a temporary denture that can replace your entire arch of teeth. It facilitates excellent oral health regardless of your age. Jawbone loss can lead to a change in facial structures as well. All on 4 can be used to thus retain your natural facial structure. Dentures do not prevent bone loss, unlike implants. Dentures also require a lot of daily maintenance and are sometimes very uncomfortable to wear. Implants are permanent, and All on 4 is a very considerable upgrade over conventional dentures.
What to Expect from the All on 4 Dental Implants Procedure
Your treatment will be overseen by a well-qualified team of expert oral surgeons at MAPA Dental Turkey. The procedure will commence with an initial screening to determine if your existing health condition makes you a candidate for the All on 4 procedure. If you are, the oral surgeon will conduct a thorough evaluation to prepare for the procedure. The oral surgeon will take a CT scan of your mouth and possibly dental X-rays to place the implants. We will also make impressions of your upper and lower jaws, or whichever requires treatment. This is necessary to custom design the prosthetic arch to precisely fit your mouth. Once the preparation for the procedure is done, you will be ready to undergo surgery. The procedure doesn’t require sedatives, but you can request them if needed. You will be fully anaesthetized before the implants are placed. Before the surgical procedure, you can freely discuss any concerns you have with your MAPA Dental Turkey Dental Team and Patient Coordinators. When you are ready, the surgery will begin. The oral surgeon will remove any damaged or loose teeth and place the four implants. If there’s any infected tissue, the oral surgeon will remove all diseased tissue. Your gums will be cleaned out before the implants are placed. Once the implants are in and your gums are stitched, the surgery will conclude. Then the prosthetic phase beings. Our dental prosthodontist will provide you with a temporary prosthetic arch that you can start using right away. The prosthetic arch is temporary, but it will restore your smile and chewing function during your healing period. You will be ready to leave once you get your temporary prosthetic arch. Before you go, our attentive Dental Team will instruct you on how to take care of your mouth following the operation. You will be instructed in postoperative oral hygiene and related matters. If needed, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics or anti- inflammation medication to ease the healing process. The superficial surgical wounds will heal in a week or two. But you will have to wait for up to three months for the dental implants to fully fuse with your jawbone. After a minimum 3 months healing period you will be ready for the Permanent Dentures. On your second visit to Turkey, we will check the current situation of your Dental Implants and we will place your permanent denture. After the completion of your treatment, you will be able to regain your chewing functions and smile again.
All on 4 Dental Implant Costs
All on 4 implants are beneficial and life time commitments however very costly. The costs of all on 4 dental implants can vary between $20,000 and $50,000 in the US. Prices are no less expensive in Europe. MAPA Dental Turkey offers a far more affordable solution to those seeking All on 4 treatments. Our operational costs in Turkey are low and we make mass purchases directly from the implant dealer and we reflect this discount advantages to our patients to offer the best possible dental products at best possible prices. Therefore, we are able to offer you a lower quote for the complete All on 4 treatment procedure, from initial screening to post-operative care. The dental implants you receive will be the same branded products offered elsewhere in Europe or United States of America. But the overall costs of the entire treatment process will be much less.
All on Four Dental Implant Brands
All on 4 treatment is available under the Nobel Biocare brand, the company which invented and popularised the treatment option. As Dental Implants are life time commitments we advise only the world wide known brands. Get Free Quote for affordable All on 4 Dental Implants and save up to % 70